
Werde ein Hairfor2 Distributor

Dieses einzigartige Produkt baut seine eigene Kundenloyalität auf
Und gibt Ihnen eine Chance, Ihr eigener Chef zu sein!

A Unique Opportunity

With Hairfor2, color selection is simple. Application is quick and easy allowing the Stylist creative freedom to create the look the client has been craving. Show your clients how to apply Hairfor2 themselves and you’ll have a customer for life.

What is Hairfor2

Hairfor2 is an extraordinary European Salon Professional product that cosmetically thickens thinning hair. For men and women of all ages experiencing this devastating condition, it dramatically improves the fullness of thinning hair helping to restore its natural look. The boost in self confidence this brings can dramatically improve the professional and social lives of your clients – they’ll love you for it.

Seit der Markteinführung wenden wir Ihr Produkt Hairfor2 Haarverdichtungs-Spray mit großem Erfolg an unseren Patienten an, welche unter dünnem Haar und erheblichen kahlen Stellen leiden und sich wieder einen vollen Haarschopf wünschen. Unsere Patienten sind nach Anwendung ihres Hairfor2 Haarverdichtungs-Spray sehr begeistert von der wieder gewonnenen, unglaublichen Fülle ihres Haarschopfes.

Auch bei unseren männlichen und weiblichen Patienten mit erfolgter, erfolgreicher Haar-Transplantation ist Ihr Hairfor2 Haarverdichtungs-Spray hervorragend geeignet um das neue transplantierte Haar noch dichter erscheinen zu lassen. Der Gebrauch des Hairfor2 Haarverdichter-Spray ist bei richtiger Anwendung einfach und problemlos zu handhaben.

Dr. med Cecilia Flury


Guten Tag Hairfor2 Team

Wir als Transhair International sind so beeindruckt von Hairfor2, das wir es in unser Verkaufsprogramm aufgenommen haben. Hairfor2 erweist sich als eine willkommene Ergänzung für Männer und Frauen, die ein ultimatives Ergebnis der Haardichte erzielen wollen.

Unsere Klienten sind sehr von Hairfor2 überzeugt! Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Erfolg mit Ihrem außergewöhnlichen Produkt.

Cor van Oyen

Transhair Benelux B.V.

Why You Should Become a Hairfor2 Dealer?

Your Clients Will Love You

You have men and women with thinning hair that need your professional help and they’ll become life long, high value clients when you do.

The numbers add up to a great opportunity for you! Numbers like this – when we asked 50 of our customers to rank “how you feel after using Hairfor2”,

-88% of them ranked “increased self confidence” as the No. 1 benefit
-84% of them ranking “feeling more attractive after use” as the No. 2 benefit.

Hairfor2 users feel great and retention rate is high resulting in repeat sales.

Increase Your Average Sale to Existing Clients

Increasing your average sale is the No. 1 best way to lift profits and selling extra products and services to your existing clients is one of the best approaches.

-Hairfor2 is a new product class adding to your existing services and retail to immediately boost sales.
-Hairfor2 is not for everyone but does have a broad demographic appeal from twenty-somethings through the boomers. Regardless of age, if they’re suffering hair loss, they want to look great and Hairfor2 can help

A Key Sales Tool in Your Arsenal of Hair Loss Solutions

Many potential clients are unsuitable for hair replacement for a variety of reasons yet they do not wish to use medications or wear a wig.

Hairfor2 works regardless of the cause or the stage of hair loss to provide the instant and impressive results the client is looking for.

Don’t let the customer get away; give them the look they want with Hairfor2 and save the sale. It’s an inexpensive option for the client yet keeps them coming back to your shop regularly.

Get New Clients

The second best way to increase profits in your business is by increasing the number of customers you have – new products and services like Hairfor2 , bring new clients to you.

-Be one of the select Dealers to advertise Hairfor2 as your new specialty service
-Large potential market in your neighbourhood – 40% of females and 50% of males are thinning.

Great Cash Flow

Cash is King in any business – keep your register ringing and inventory moving with solid retail mark-ups.

-Consumable cosmetic product – once they try it they won’t go out without it!
-Regular monthly purchase for men and women.

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